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  Traduction de CV en anglais


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Traduction de CV en anglais

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Posté le 06-11-2009 à 16:26:23  answer

Je dois faire un CV auformat canadien et enanglais. Que pensez vous de ce que j'ai écrit ?

Spoiler :

A trained technician in various applied sciences who can develop a bench test and to make the measurements. Able to interpret the results and be efficient in a company under the direction of an engineer.
Skills Able to find a solution, Technical writer
Tools Labview, Visual Basic, Matlab, Autocad, PSpice
Automation technician (internship),  February 2009 – June 2009  
EMC Laboratory
Programmed the automation of a bench test that is to acquire the electrical response of an electronic component under electric shocks. The result of this acquisition permits to have a SPICE simulation model of the component.  
- Programmed for automating the bench under LABVIEW.
- Programmed under VISUAL BASIC the conversion of results to a SPICE file.
- Discovered SPICE environment and EMC problematic.
Metrologist Assistant (scholastical project), ) October 2008 – January 2009  
Metrology Laboratory
Followed the laboratory activity. Discovered the importance of quality in a metrology laboratory (COFRAC audit : equivalent to Standards Council of Canada)
- Updated metrological procedures and formulars from new ISO standards (ISO NF E 11-200, ISO NF E 11-056,…).
- Calibrated callipers.
Metrologist (internship
Engineering Laboratory, Metrology service
successfully developed the automatic calibration of Rogowski coils (current sensor). Permitted to divide by three the calibration time.
- Defined the procedures for automatic calibration and uncertainties.
- Programmed the automatic calibration under LABVIEW.
- Writed the modus operandi of the calibration and the user manual.
- Worked as a typical metrologist : multimeters calibration, training module on metrology.  
Student job,   Summers 2007 and 2008
 (Buying branch) and International Guarantees, Paris – France
Worked as archivist. Worked as assistant for Middle Office  
- Decreased time to search for archived document
- Standardized documents from various colleagues  
- Managed the logistics of sending promotional DVDs to different branches in the world  
Licence Professionnelle  
Equivalent to specialized Bachelor 2008 - 2009
Training leading to professional able to lead teams and conduct industrial projects, with skills focused on measurement, instrumentation, quality control and materials..
DUT Mesures Physiques
Technologic Universitary Diplom équivalent to DEC + 2 years 2006 - 2008
University education characterized by a broad spectrum of skills focused on the physical sciences. The graduate can work in instrumentation and measurements in the fields of physics, physical chemistry, optics, electronics, computers, sensors and metrology.
Baccalauréat Scientifique with honours
Equivalent to DEC or British A level 2003 - 2006
Pianist, jazz band, Rosny sous bois
- Teamwork skills
Cycling, Paris and suburbs
« Scientist » childhood,science club
- Discovery of science and scientific projects (micro Rockets, self-guided robot,…)

Posté le 06-11-2009 à 16:26:23  profilanswer

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