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exam d anglais

Posté le 03-04-2008 à 21:17:06  profilanswer

Bonjour, j aimerais bien que quelqu'un jete un coup d'oeil à mes 2 textes: Le premier à propos de la violence qui entoure la jeunesse actuelle, et le second à propos de la cruauté envers les animaux.
Une opignon personnelle accompagne chaque résumé à propos des 2 sujets.
En vous remerciant d'avance...
First text:
Researches show us that there is more and more violence on television and in videos games. It leads young teenagers and children to have an aggressive behavior.
Parents should be attentive to everything that their children do. Parents must protect them from sexual and violent imagery.
Films and video games influence children. For example, in England, a teenager has killed a 14 years old boy because his heroes doe it in video games. Another teenager killed his best friend after watching 100 times “Queen of the Damned”.
A lot of teenagers are vulnerable, so they shouldn’t watch films with an hardcore contempt, because they could become aggressive or violent like actors in films.
Other researches show that boys are more vulnerable than girls because they are more exposed to violent material.
It is easier to access to this kind of material nowadays thanks to new technologies like internet and cable television.
For my part, I consider that there is a lot of violence on television and on internet nowadays, without forgetting that there is more and more sexual imagery on internet. I think that we have to admit, profanity and violence on television has gotten out of control.
Parents should keep an eye on their children when there are on internet, and they should stay with them when they watch television in the evenings.
Vulnerable children can be traumatized… Simply telling children that those images aren't real won't console them, because they can't yet distinguish between fantasy and reality.
But in another hand, I can say that I grew up watching violent movies from a very early age and I have to agree that I never thought of applying anything that I saw to real life. I just think that some people are not stable enough to watch such things, while others are. It depends of people…
Second text:
Over the past year, there seems to have been an influx of news stories focused on the abuse of animals. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (The RSPCA) wants to protect animals which live in atrocious conditions.
Cruel acts on animals rose by 17,5 percent last year. The worst of it all is that the people who do the most horrible cruel acts are not found.
The RSPCA says that all pets must be miccrochipped. Because with this kind of technology, the RSPCA will know who are the animals’ owners. Justice will be able to trace owners who commit cruel acts on their animals.
RSPCA’s director wants to introduce the idea of an obligatory microchip when someone takes on an animal.  
The RSPCA was confronted with some cruel cases: for example, a dog thrown from a car, a three-foot iguana without tail and other unimaginable acts…
Animal cruelty is not just bad; it is horrible, awful… I think that animals must be considered like humans. I don’t understand why people kill or are cruel with animals just for fun. I don't understand why people are so hateful.  
People who act like that should never have animals again, and they should pay a huge fine, or they should maybe go to prison.
Animals like dogs and cats depend on us for food and refuge, and in return they give us love and loyalty. Being cruel with them is not a good way to thank them.
Education is very important to prevent cruelty to animals. Children not only need to learn what they shouldn't do, but also what they can and should do.  
I think that if you can hurt and kill an animal you can also kill a human. So these kinds of people are very dangerous…

Posté le 03-04-2008 à 21:17:06  profilanswer

Posté le 03-04-2008 à 22:20:50  profilanswer

First text:
Researches show us that there is more and more violence on television and in videos games. It leads young teenagers and children to have an aggressive behavior.
Parents should be attentive to everything that their children do. Parents must protect them from sexual and violent imagery [b]contents.
Films and video games influence children. For example, in England, a teenager has killed a 14 years old boy because his heroes doeS it in video games. Another teenager killed his best friend after watching 100 times “Queen of the Damned”.
A lot of teenagers are vulnerable, so they shouldn’t watch films with an hardcore contempN[/b]t, because they couldmight become aggressive or violent like actors in films.
Other researches show that boys are more vulnerable than girls because they are more exposed to violent material.
It is easier to access to this kind of material nowadays thanks to new technologies like internet and cable television.
For my part, I consider that there is a lot of violence on television and (on) internet nowadays, without forgetting that there is more and more sexual picturesimagery on internet. I think that we have to admit, profanity and violence on television has gotten out of control.
Parents should keep an eye on their children when there are on internet, and they should stay with them when they're watching television in the evenings.
Vulnerable children can be traumatized… Simply telling children that those "scenes" images aren't real won't console them, because they can't yet (-->to the end) distinguish between fantasy and reality.
But in another the other hand, I can say that I grew up watching violent movies from a very early age and I have to agree that I never thought of about applying anything that I saw watched to real life. I just think that some people are not stable enough to watch such things, while others are. It depends onof peoples…
Second text:
Over the past few years, there it seems to have been an influx increase of news stories focused on the abuse of animals. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (The RSPCA) wants to protect animals which liveing in atrocious conditions.
Cruel acts on animals rose by 17,5 percent last year. The worst of it all is that the peoples who do the most horrible cruel acts are not found.
The RSPCA says that all pets must be miccrochipped. Because with this kind of technology, the RSPCA will know whom are the animals’ owners belong to. Justice will be able to trace owners who commit cruel acts on their animals.
RSPCA’s director wants to introduce the idea of an obligatory microchip when someone takes on an animal.  
The RSPCA was confronted with some cruel cases: for example, a dog thrown from a car, a three-foot iguana without tail and other unimaginable acts…
Animal cruelty is not just bad; it is horrible, awful… I think that animals must be considered like humans. I don’t understand why people kill or are cruel with animals just for fun. I don't understand why people are so hateful.  
People who act like that should never have animals again, and they should pay a huge fine, or they should maybe go to prison.
Animals like dogs and cats depend on us for food and refuge, and in return they give us love and loyalty. Being cruel with them is not a good way to thank them.
Education is very important to prevent cruelty to animals. Children not only need to learn what they shouldn't do, but also what they can and should do.  
I think that if you can hurt and kill an animal you can also kill a human. So these kinds of people are very dangerous…[/quotemsg]

Posté le 04-04-2008 à 01:22:30  profilanswer

merci beaucoup de ton aide :D

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