Nous avons une offre de developpeur PHP a proposer a Amsterdam.
Il sagit dun poste en direct et une aide a la relocation est possible. Le salaire indicatif devrait etre autour de 38-42k mais il depend bien sur de vos competences exactes par rapport au poste.
Seule contrainte votre dispo, malheureusement si votre preavis nest pas negociable 3 mois est trop long
delai maximum 1.5 mois.
Nhesitez pas a me contacter si vous avez des questions (sur le forum ou par mail plutot que par MP)
Nous avons egalement de nombreuses opportunites pour des postes de developpement NTIC. La langue de travail est l'Anglais, cela peut etre une opportunite de vous etablir a l'etranger. Tous les postes sont en directs et les salaires interessants. Le cout de la vie est similaire a la France, le logement est neanmoins moins chers qu'a Paris en particulier a l'achat.
Established in 1987, ELAN IT RESOURCE is Europe's leading IT Recruitment company. We provide full IT recruitment solutions across all disciplines and technologies and throughout all industries. We offer a variety of approaches including permanent recruitment.
Today we have a permanent direct opportunity, for a good PHP developer.
Tasks and responsibilities:
You will join a small team of experienced and dedicated PHP developers at the Desktop & Services department developing and maintaining various PHP applications (no front end). You will begin by acquiring the knowledge of current portfolio of existing PHP applications by maintaining and enhancing them. You will use your talent and experience to strengthen and enhance the development processes used within the team. Furthermore you will be involved in:
Preparing the technical specifications and development of new applications
Source code base maintenance such as code branching and merging, production releases etc.
Profile of suitable candidate:
Experienced PHP5 (OOP) developer
Preferably academic education, with technical background
Able to work individually and as a Team member, good communicator
Highly desirable experience: Linux environments, Agile development methodologies, RDBMS
Other desired experience: CVS, JIRA, Eclipse, application clusters
J2EE knowledge is a plus
Linux system engineering knowledge is a plus!
If you are interested please apply to bm(at)
Message édité par ELANIT le 25-04-2007 à 09:31:10