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dm anglais

Posté le 23-09-2007 à 20:03:01  profilanswer

pouvez vous corriger mon dm merci c'est pour demain !! merci bcp d'avance
The society in which we live, encourages us continually to try to transform our faults into qualities. The man can be mild, reliable and at the same time selfish and lazy. Thus, as these two characteristics are inseparable, they allow to form the character of the man and to give him an identity. To wonder whether curiosity is a fault or a quality, will be the objective of our reflection. First of all, we will analyze the disadvantage of this characteristic. This analysis will allow us to study a second time,  the curiosity according to a quality.  
Straightaway, he curiosity can be perceived as a fault. Indeed, when becomes exaggerated,  the curiosity takes the statute of fault and seems unhealthy. Moreover, it can allow to be involved in the businesses of others to be harmful and to harm his freedom. We can introduce as example, the curiosity of a person for the life of her neighbour. Thus, pushed to excess it can become a average of voyeurism and be considered as pathological. This way, it is fuelled by various feelings such as desire, vanity, or according to Molière, “The curiosity is born from the jealousy”. The Judeo-Christian tradition explaining the history of the temptation of Eve which becomes a sin for apple of the tree of knowledge, illustrates one of the images of the constraint of this feeling. This custom can have exploited a harmful role as for the vision of the man curiosity.
The curiosity can be a fault  but in somes situations, it  can have the advantage  of to represent a quality.
The curiosity can represent a quality insofar as the quality shows itself as a power of attention, a need of to know, to learn, to reason better and to have a better knowledge among the field in everyday life. Thus the example of a child demonstrates this idea. Indeed, the child want to write and read before tha age. The children are open-minded as for the world. It is the reason why the foreign languages are learnt early to the children. The curiosity is a quality necessary fot to progress. It is a average of knowledge. In this way, the explorers as Christopher Colombus and Marco Polo  thanks to the curiosity, have discovered and explored new countries and new civilizations. The curiosity is the beginning of modernity.
In conclusion, the curiosity is at once a quality and a fault. I think that the curiosity can serve as not serve, it depends of limits fixed. So, according to José Maria  Eça de Quieros "the curiosity takes to everything: sometimes to listen to doors, sometimes to discover America".

Posté le 23-09-2007 à 20:03:01  profilanswer

un de plus
Posté le 24-09-2007 à 12:18:07  profilanswer

J'arrive trop tard, désolé. A l'heure qu'il est, le devoir doit être rendu :spamafote:
Globalement, c'est soigné, il n'y a pas de fautes d'inattention. Il y a un effort de construction avec des mots de liaison ;)
Par contre, tu vas te faire sabrer sur l'emploi de l'article the. Et certaines inexactitudes dans le lexique ou la construction laissent penser que ce devoir a été traduit du Français plutôt que pensé en Anglais :/
Essaie de poster plus en avance :D

25-01-2008 : 30 cheeseburgers en 1h52

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