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Auteur | Sujet : [VDS] HTC 8S Noir/Blanc |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Hello,
--------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
Publicité | Posté le 11-04-2013 à 11:08:03 |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Petit up ! --------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
paradise974 Transactions (12) |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Hello,
--------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Up ! --------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
paradise974 Transactions (12) |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Hello,
--------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Échange possible, je cherche un Motorola Milestone 2. --------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Up ! --------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Up ! --------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
Publicité | Posté le 26-04-2013 à 11:52:30 |
davidvi12 Transactions (10) | Slt contre un wiko cink king quasi neuf complet et garanti....? |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Salut,
--------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
davidvi12 Transactions (10) | Ok sans soucis bonne vente |
Raito33 Transactions (11) |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Intéressant pour le Moto
--------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | up ! --------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Up !!
--------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
batbulot Transactions (25) | je cherche actuellement un téléphone dans cette gamme, mais je ne connais absolument pas les HTC ni l'OS de windows....
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Hello !!
--------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
batbulot Transactions (25) | pourrais-tu mettre des photos de la bête ? |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Pas de soucis, envoie ton mail par message privé. --------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
batbulot Transactions (25) | photos bien reçues. Pas de rayures/microrayures sur l'écran ( je suis maniaque^^)
batbulot Transactions (25) | autre petite question : est ce qu'il y a une led de notification ? |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Pas de micro rayure sur l'écran car il y a un film plastique dessus.
--------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Hello,
--------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Coucou !!
--------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Non désolé je n'utilise pas paypal.
--------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
Angkor Marvellous AngkorTransactions (36) | Je t'envoie mon rib par mail. --------------- "I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you." |
rata94 Transactions (5) | salut propal a 145e en main propre, apres qui de droitet je me deplace!! |
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