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  [ACH][RP] Canon 17-55 IS ou Sigma 30 f/1.4


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[ACH][RP] Canon 17-55 IS ou Sigma 30 f/1.4

double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 15-02-2009 à 22:33:32  profilanswer

... ou alors un Canon 35 f/1.4L si le prix vaut vraiment le coup. Uniquement en main propre en région parisienne et avec facture, de préférence avec pare-soleil (pour le 17-55) et encore sous garantie.
Faites vos offres !

Message édité par double clic le 15-02-2009 à 22:34:00

Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
Posté le 15-02-2009 à 22:33:32  profilanswer

double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 16-02-2009 à 06:01:16  profilanswer


Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 16-02-2009 à 09:26:28  profilanswer


Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 16-02-2009 à 12:37:38  profilanswer


Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 16-02-2009 à 13:58:59  profilanswer


Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 16-02-2009 à 17:01:21  profilanswer


Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 16-02-2009 à 19:43:35  profilanswer


Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
Sous les octets la plage (︶o︶)
Transactions (0)
Posté le 16-02-2009 à 19:51:16  profilanswer


IG ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ - The fact that there's a highway to hell, but only a stairway to heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic numbers
double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 16-02-2009 à 21:02:03  profilanswer


Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 16-02-2009 à 23:25:47  profilanswer


Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
Posté le 16-02-2009 à 23:25:47  profilanswer

double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 17-02-2009 à 03:15:26  profilanswer


Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 17-02-2009 à 12:53:17  profilanswer


Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 17-02-2009 à 14:19:03  profilanswer


Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 17-02-2009 à 15:49:03  profilanswer


Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 17-02-2009 à 18:05:05  profilanswer


Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 17-02-2009 à 19:02:04  profilanswer


Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 18-02-2009 à 03:37:21  profilanswer

trouvé [:dawa]

Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
Sous les octets la plage (︶o︶)
Transactions (0)
Posté le 18-02-2009 à 17:05:57  profilanswer

Les 2 :o

IG ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ - The fact that there's a highway to hell, but only a stairway to heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic numbers

Transactions (5)
Posté le 20-02-2009 à 22:21:50  profilanswer

Au cas ou je vends un 17-55 700€ sur Paris. Passé par le SAV pour problème d'IS. Il est maintenant garantie 5 mois, avec un stablisateur neuf. Fourni avec Pare Soleil, filtre Hoya slim Pro 1, boite, facture + facture du SAV.

site photo
double cli​c
Why so serious?
Transactions (14)
Posté le 23-02-2009 à 14:07:45  profilanswer

merci pour ta proposition, mais j'ai trouvé un 17-55 IS de 4 mois, état neuf, à 650€ avec pare-soleil et 20 mois de garantie française :o je l'ai acheté et reçu, donc ça ne m'intéresse plus :D

Message édité par double clic le 23-02-2009 à 14:08:24

Tell me why all the clowns have gone.

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  Achats & Ventes

  [ACH][RP] Canon 17-55 IS ou Sigma 30 f/1.4


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