Bon... Disons 200 fdp in ?
Sinon oui oui c'est bien le 750.
Et le lien cite toutes les améliorations du 750 par rapport au 570.
Entre autre:
Clear Turn-by-Turn Instructions: available in both male and female
voices and a choice of 9 languages;
Multiple Navigation Views: 3D map view, 2D map view, quick next-maneuver icon view with 2D mini-map, and a text-based instruction list that displays the next four maneuvers;
Journey Planner: allowing users to define up to 12 preplanned stops en route to their final destination;
My Points-of-Interest (POI): enabling users to customize their PiN 570 by defining individual POIs, or downloading and importing other third-
party POI databases;
Active My POI: definable alarms for the notification of approaching, user-selectable points of interest;
Nearest POI: providing quick access to a specific POI by shortest distance (e.g. closest gas station, parking lot, emergency room, etc.).
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